
Need to secretly do a DNA Test?

Need to secretly do a DNA Test? Yes, it is possible to do a DNA test without the other parent being present. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Test their relatives e.g., parents, siblings, or other close relatives.
  • Use any non-standard sample left behind by them. This could be a used toothbrush, hairbrush, or cigarette butt.


Benefits of secretly doing a DNA Test

  • Provide peace of mind if you are unsure whether the other parent of your child is the biological parent.
  • Help you make important decisions if you are not sure whether to pursue child support or visitation rights.
  • Provides evidence to establish parental right for legal purposes, such as immigration or inheritance.


What are the Risks

  • The results may not be accurate if the parent’s DNA is not used.
  • The parent may be upset if they find out that you have done a DNA test without their consent.



Please note that the results of a DNA test without the other parent’s consent may not be admissible in court. If you need the results of the test for legal purposes, you should consult with an attorney. LEARN MORE