How exact is a DNA Test? Surprising!

How exact is a DNA Test? Surprising!

How exact is a DNA Test? The accuracy of a DNA test depends on the type of test, the quality of the DNA sample, and the laboratory that performs the test. In general, DNA tests are very accurate. Paternity tests are typically 99.9% accurate in determining whether a...
Need a NIPP DNA Test? How It Works

Need a NIPP DNA Test? How It Works

Need a NIPP DNA Test? A non-invasive prenatal paternity DNA testing supplies the most exact way to decide the paternity of a baby before birth. It uses an ultramodern process that combines the latest DNA technology and unique methods of preserving the baby’s DNA. This...
How DNA Testing Can Uncover Family Secrets

How DNA Testing Can Uncover Family Secrets

DNA testing allows people to uncover secrets about their ancestry and family history. But for one woman, a DNA test revealed a secret that had been hidden for nearly 60 years – the identity of her father. A Woman’s Story The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, was...
How exact is a DNA Test? Surprising!

DNA Testing: A Powerful Tool 

DNA Testing: A Powerful Tool DNA testing can be used to identify unknown remains, connect with long-lost relatives. It can also track down biological parents, determine paternity, and screen for genetic diseases. In the future, DNA testing will be used to fill in the...
Need a NIPP DNA Test? How It Works

Genetic Testing In Pregnancy: Useful!

Genetic Testing In Pregnancy: Useful!   Genetic testing in pregnancy has many benefits, including: It can help identify any potential health risks that could affect your unborn child before they are born so you can make informed decisions about your pregnancy care...
Types of Genetic Tests While Pregnant: Important!

Types of Genetic Tests While Pregnant: Important!

Introduction Types of Genetic Tests While Pregnant: Important! Pregnancy is a time of excitement but can also be a time of worry and concern, especially if there are any potential health issues that may arise.   Types of Genetic Tests While Pregnant: DNA...
Time for Immigration DNA Test: How long?

Time for Immigration DNA Test: How long?

Time for Immigration DNA Test: How long? Time for Immigration DNA Test: How long? DNA testing is an important tool for immigration authorities to verify family relationships between applicants and their sponsors. Therefore, we’ll look at the process of DNA testing for...
DNA Test To Determine the Father Of Your Baby

DNA Test To Determine the Father Of Your Baby

DNA test to determine the father of your baby DNA test to determine the father of your baby? As a parent, it can be difficult to navigate the legal and emotional complexities of determining paternity. If you’re considering a DNA test to determine the father of your...
The Types of DNA Tests: Find out!

The Types of DNA Tests: Find out!

The Types of DNA Tests: Find out! The types of DNA tests are home DNA tests, court-ordered DNA tests, and hospital-based DNA tests.   Home DNA Tests The Types of DNA Tests include home DNA tests which become increasingly popular as they are relatively inexpensive...
I need my paternity test!

I need my paternity test!

Introduction I need my paternity test! The question of whether you can do a paternity test without your dad knowing is one that has been asked by many people over the years. It’s an important question to ask, as the results of a paternity test can have far-reaching...