What’s in Our at-home DNA Paternity kit?

The DNA paternity test kit contains enough collection swabs to test one alleged father, one child, and one mother (if taking part in the test). When paternity testing, not only is it beneficial to provide a sample from the mother but also makes it easier to identify the alleles that the child inherited from the mother.  Although this is true, DNA testing can still be done without a sample from the mother. Learn more

What’s in our at-home DNA paternity kit? Enclosed in the DNA test kit are:

· Peace of Mind DNA test request/consent form

· Full instructions on how to take the DNA paternity test samples.

· A self-addressed envelope to send your DNA test samples to the laboratory.

· Three DNA sample collection swab packages containing two swabs in each package

· Individual DNA test sample envelopes for the alleged father, child, and mother (if available)

How the result is arrived at

The paternity tests look at up to 42 DNA markers and compare the child’s DNA with the father’s.  All in all, they identify which half is inherited from the father and which half is from the mother (if available). Ideally, we would prefer the mother’s sample as well as the father’s, but as has been noted above, the test can still be performed without the mother’s sample. 


When testing the biological father of the child both will share identical sections of DNA at each marker. Above all, there must be at least a 99.99% match between the child and the alleged father.


Another key point is when the tested man is not the biological father there will be differences in the DNA of the man and the child. The alleged father is therefore excluded as the biological father when there is less than a 99.99% match between the child and the man.



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