Brashan DNA 5* Testimonials
N Price of DNA test kit – Price List
Brashan DNA offers a wide range of DNA testing kits at competitive prices.
Peace of mind paternity DNA tests
Peace of mind Paternity or Maternity Test £100
Additional person to be tested £70
Immigration or legal paternity DNA tests
Immigration or Legal Paternity DNA Test kit £250
Prenatal DNA tests – DNA testing while pregnant
NIPP Test with Gender Determination test £995
Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test £899
Standalone Gender Determination test £199
Additional Charges for a prenatal test
Prenatal Additional alleged father to be tested £300
Relationship DNA tests
Sibling DNA Test £199
Twin Zygosity DNA Test £199
Grandparents DNA Test £199
Aunt and Uncle DNA Test £199
Y Chromosome (Y-STR) Test £199
Each additional person to be tested £100
Nail or Toothbrush DNA tests
Unusual Samples: Nails or Toothbrush Visibility Studies £199.00
If a profile can be retrieved, the toothbrush DNA will be analysed for up to 42 DNA Short Tandem Repeats (STR) markers.
If a DNA profile cannot be retrieved from the toothbrush, we will contact you and arrange to return the cost of the DNA relationship test.
A refund will not be possible for the laboratory work already undertaken for the viability study on the toothbrush. Learn more about discrete samples HERE