Maternity generic test kit

Maternity generic test kit

 A  maternity genetic testing UK kit is ideal for:

  • An adopted child who wants to prove that a particular woman is their biological mother.
  • A mother who conceived a child through in vitro fertilization and wants to confirm that the correct embryo was implanted into her uterus.


Why conduct a maternity test?

Adoption, artificial insemination, and implantation into a surrogate mother are common ways of becoming parents today. An adopted child may grow up and become inquisitive about their biological parents. A Peace of mind Maternity genetic testing UK kit can be used to prove the biological relationship between such an adopted child and the alleged mother. Learn more


Also, a parent who became a mother through in vitro fertilization may wonder if indeed her embryos were the correct ones that were implanted in her. Additionally, an adult child who is aware of their conception may also want to confirm that indeed their mother is their biological mother.


Not only will conducting a maternity DNA test will give such a mother or child peace of mind but it will also conclusively establish the biological relationship between the mother and child.


Using a maternity genetic testing UK kit

The maternity genetic testing kit includes a consent form, cheek swabs to collect cheek cell DNA, and a self-addressed envelope to return the sample to the lab for testing. Our partner lab uses ultra-modern DNA testing technology to make sure the genetic testing results are reliable and 99.99% accurate.


The test looks from 21 up to 42 DNA markers – twice the industry standard for DNA testing, to show a matching DNA marker in the alleged mother’s and the child’s DNA sample. The alleged mother is excluded if there is no match between the child and the alleged mother while she cannot be excluded as the mother if there is a 99.99% chance that she is the biological mother.


Are you looking for a reliable and exact maternity DNA test? Then look no further than Brashan DNA Services! We offer the most exact tests in the industry so you can get the answers you need. Call us today to learn more!

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