Common Questions About DNA Tests and Their Answers

Common Questions About DNA Tests and Their Answers

When it comes to DNA testing, here are the most frequently asked questions and the answers you need to know. For anyone interested in finding out the truth about biological relationship, DNA is where the worlds of science and genealogy meet. Whether you’re about...

Can You Take a DNA Test While Pregnant?

If you’re pregnant and have questions about the paternity of your growing baby, you may be wondering about your options. Do you have to wait out your entire pregnancy before you can determine the father of your baby? Prenatal DNA paternity testing makes it possible to...

Are Paternity DNA results 100% accurate?

To answer this question, it is important to first discuss how scientists arrive at their conclusion after analysing given DNA samples. The mother may or may not submit her DNA for analysis, even though it is better if she did. The chance of paternity is calculated as...